Do your kids love everything about dogs? From their wagging tails to their wet noses, there’s no denying these furry friends are pretty amazing. And guess what? There’s so much to learn about them too! Test your dog skills with 50 dog trivia questions. 

Why Play Trivia?

Playing trivia games with your kids is a fantastic way to bond and create lasting memories together. It’s an opportunity to learn new things, challenge each other’s knowledge, and have a blast in the process.

How to Play Dog Trivia & What You Will Need

To play dog trivia, you’ll need the 50 dog trivia questions & answers that i’ve provided below.

Decide if you want to play individually or in teams. Have each player or team write down their answers on a piece of paper. After going through all the questions, reveal the answers and see who got the most right!

You can make it more competitive by awarding points for each correct answer. The player or team with the most points at the end wins. You can even offer a small prize to the winner, like a dog-themed treat or toy.

What Are The Benefits Of Playing Trivia Games With Kids?

Playing trivia games with your kids offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Improving memory and recall
  • Enhancing problem-solving and critical thinking skills
  • Increasing knowledge retention
  • Fostering a love for learning
  • Providing opportunities for quality family time
  • Encouraging healthy competition and sportsmanship

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if you would like to download and print this space trivia game, purchase the pdf file below. if you do not want to purchase you can still read the questions below without downloading the file.

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50 Dog Trivia Questions & Answers

What is a dog’s strongest sense?

Answer: Smell – it’s way stronger than ours!

How many times faster can a dog smell something compared to a human?

Answer: 10,000 times!

What are some breeds known for their floppy ears?

Answer: Basset Hound, Beagle, Dachshund

What breed holds the record for the longest ears?

Answer: Bloodhound

Are all Dalmatian puppies born with spots?

Answer: Nope! They appear as they grow

What is a group of puppies called?

Answer: A litter

On average, how many puppies are in a litter?

Answer: 4-6

What special skill do some dogs, like Newfoundlands, have on their paws?

Answer: Webbed feet for swimming!

What famous dog breed is named after a place in Mexico?

Answer: Chihuahua

Believe it or not, some dog breeds can do what?

Answer: Count and solve simple math problems!

How many times more muscles do dogs have in their ears than humans?

Answer: Twice as many!

What are some things dogs love to wag besides their tails?

Answer: Their whole body can wiggle with excitement!

What do you call a dog’s wet nose?

Answer: Snoot – it helps them keep cool and smell better

Are puppies born with all their senses?

Answer: Nope, they’re born blind, deaf, and toothless!

What amazing trick can some dogs learn to do with their paws?

Answer: Open doors!

What do you call a male dog?

Answer: A sire

What do you call a female dog?

Answer: A dam

What is the technical term for a dog’s bark?

Answer: Vocalization

Not all dogs bark! What is a breed known for not barking much?

Answer: Basenji

Dalmatians aren’t the only ones! What other breeds are known for their spots?

Answer: English Setter, Australian Shepherd

Police dogs use their amazing sense of smell to find what?

Answer: Drugs, missing people, and even crime scenes!

Search and rescue dogs can find people in what kind of situations?

Answer: Avalanches, earthquakes, and even lost hikers!

Therapy dogs help people feel better in what ways?

Answer: By cuddling, offering love, and reducing stress

Guide dogs are specially trained to help people who are

Answer: Blind

Hearing dogs can help people who are

Answer: Deaf by alerting them to sounds like doorbells or alarms.

What is the smallest dog breed?

Answer: Chihuahua

What is the tallest dog breed?

Answer: Great Dane

What is the fluffiest dog breed, known for its thick, white coat?

Answer: Samoyed

What dog breed is often used to pull sleds?

Answer: Siberian Husky

Did you know dogs have been around for a super long time? How many years ago were the first dogs domesticated?

Answer: Over 15,000 years!

What are some of the oldest dog breeds?

Answer: Basenji, Chow Chow, Shih Tzu

What is a fun fact about the Beagle breed?

Answer: They were originally bred to help hunt rabbits!

Golden Retrievers are known for being great at what?

Answer: Fetching and retrieving things!

Poodles come in three sizes! Can you name them (from smallest to biggest)?

Answer: Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle, Standard Poodle

Labrador Retrievers are the most popular dog breed in what country?

Answer: The United States!

What is another fun game dogs love?

Answer: Tug-of-war

Besides playing fetch, what other things do dogs love to chase?

Answer: Squirrels, balls, and even their own tails!

What is a yummy treat many dogs enjoy?

Answer: Bones!

But remember, what kind of treats should you never give your dog?

Answer: Chocolate, grapes, and onions

What is an important part of taking care of your dog?

Answer: Exercise! They love walks and playtime

Brushing your dog’s fur keeps them healthy and what else?

Answer: Less shedding!

What is a fun trick many dogs can learn?

Answer: Shaking hands!

Some dogs love to cuddle on the couch. What is another word for cuddling?

Answer: Snuggling

What is the best part about having a dog?

Answer: Their unconditional love and friendship!

Did you know a group of adult dogs is called a

Answer: Pack

What is a fun fact about a dog’s wet nose?

Answer: It helps them regulate their body temperature!

Dogs can dream too! What do you think they dream about?

Answer: Chasing squirrels, playing fetch, or maybe seeing you!

There are over how many recognized dog breeds in the world?

Answer: 200!

No matter the breed, size, or fur color, all dogs share one thing in common: They deserve our love and care

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