Ready to put your brains to the test and have some fun? Test your knowledge about the body with 32 body trivia questions. 

Why Play Trivia?

Trivia games are awesome for kids for so many reasons. First, they make learning really fun and engaging. Instead of just memorizing facts, kids get to guess the answers and feel proud when they get it right. It sparks their curiosity to learn more.

Trivia is also great for bonding as a family. We always have a blast playing together, laughing at the silly questions, and teaching each other new things. It’s quality time that’s both fun and educational.

Another reason I love trivia is that it builds kids’ confidence. When they know an answer, they feel smart and accomplished. And even if they get one wrong, it’s a chance to learn something new. 

How to Play Body Trivia & What You’ll Need

To play body trivia, you’ll need:

  • A list of questions and answers (The one below!)
  • Paper and pencils for keeping score 
  • A family or group of friends to play with

To play, simply take turns asking each other the questions. You can keep score by awarding a point for each correct answer. Or you can just play for fun without worrying about points.

The great thing about body trivia is that you can play it anywhere – in the car, at the dinner table, or even in the backyard. All you need is a curious mind and a love of learning!

What Are The Benefits Of Playing Trivia Games With Kids?

Playing trivia games with kids has so many benefits beyond just being fun. Here are some of the top ones:

  • Expands knowledge and vocabulary
  • Improves memory and recall
  • Builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Encourages curiosity and a love of learning
  • Strengthens family bonds and social skills
  • Provides a fun, screen-free activity

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32 Body Trivia Questions & Answers

How many bones are in your body?

(Answer: Around 206!)

What is the strongest muscle in your body?

(Answer: Your tongue!)

What is the only muscle that never gets tired?

(Answer: Your heart!)

What part of your body helps you taste?

(Answer: Your tongue!)

What part of your body helps you hear?

(Answer: Your ears!)

What color is blood inside your body?

(Answer: Dark red, even though veins look blue!)

Your skin sheds all the time. How much do you shed in your lifetime?

(Answer: Roughly 22 kilograms!)

What is the bump on your elbow called?

(Answer: Funny bone!)

Do you have stronger muscles in your right or left arm?

(Answer: Most people are stronger on their dominant side!)

Your stomach growls when you’re hungry. What’s actually making the noise?

(Answer: Your stomach muscles squishing air and food around!)

How many times does your heart beat in a day?

(Answer: Around 100,000 times!)

What is the smallest bone in your body?

(Answer: The stapes in your ear!)

What is the process of breaking down food in your stomach called?

(Answer: Digestion)

What carries messages between your brain and the rest of your body?

(Answer: Your nerves!)

What are the tiny bits of light you see when you rub your eyes called?

(Answer: Phosphenes)

Your fingerprints are unique, but what other body part has unique markings?

(Answer: Your tongue!)

Babies are born with around 300 bones. How many do they have as adults?

(Answer: 206! Some bones fuse together as they grow.)

You blink a lot without even realizing it! About how many times do you blink in a minute?

(Answer: 15-20 times)

The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve a nail! (True or False?)

(Answer: False! Your stomach lining protects it from the acid.)

Your brain uses more energy than any other organ in your body. Is it about the size of a walnut or a grapefruit?

(Answer: Grapefruit!)

The population of the Earth is about 8 billion people. How many stomachs do you think there are?

(Answer: 8 billion!)

There are more bacteria in your body than there are stars in the Milky Way galaxy! (True or False?)

(Answer: True!)

Your eyelashes grow really slowly, taking about how many weeks to replace themselves?

(Answer: 6-8 weeks)

What’s the wrinkly layer of skin on your fingertips called?

(Answer: Fingerprints!)

You have taste buds on your tongue, but did you know you also have some on your…?

(Answer: Roof of your mouth!)

When you yawn, why do your eyes water?

(Answer: Scientists aren’t exactly sure, but it might help bring more oxygen to your brain!)

What is the job of your kneecap?

(Answer: Protects your knee joint)

Your body is constantly making new red blood cells. About how many are made every second?

(Answer: 2 million!)

Your bones are strong, but not the strongest in your body! What is the strongest material in your body?

(Answer: Tooth enamel)

Hibernating animals slow down their body functions. What is the body temperature of a hibernating bear?

(Answer: Can drop as low as 35°F!)

Your brain is amazing at learning and remembering things. How much of your brain do you actually use?

(Answer: All of it! Different parts are used for different tasks.)

You are covered in hair, even in places you can’t see! What is this fine hair called?

(Answer: Vellus hair)

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